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28 February 2009
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24 February 2009
#Tag 3
bosan-bosan..so mende ni la aku wat..mcm xde keje je..hehehe
1. Name one person who make you laugh last night?
- ORANG TUA yg rajin call aku.. ;p
2.What were you doing at 0800?
- mest r pegi klas..tp klas batal td..hukhukhuk...
3.What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
- br blk dari klas biosep... ;p
4.What happened to you in 2006?
- dalam dilemma...secret-secret..xle gtau.. :)
5.What was the last thing you said out loud?
- "Dayah klas ko ade test or kuiz BI x lg??" tu yg aku ckp..tp xloud pon...
6.How many beverages did you have today?
- None.
7.What color is your hairbrush?
- Black
8.Was was the last thing you paid for?
- tapau makanan
9.Where were you last night?
- at my room C5209
10. What color is your front door?
- color biru ala2 green..sume bilik sma je color.. ;p
11.Where do you keep your change?
- everywhere ;p
12.What's the weather like today?
- redup jer..sesuai tuk aku tido..hek3
13.What's the best ice-cream flavor?
- flavor coklat..ape2 pon ak mkn je..jnji ice cream..;p
14.What excites you?
- to have PCI and steambot day.!
15.Do you want to cut your hair?
- yes yes! bila kepanasan..
16. Are you over the age of 25?
- No way!i still muda remaja..;p
17.Do you talk a lot?
- sometimes
18.Do you watch the O.C?
- No
19.Do you know anyone named steven?
- Em no. maybe later haha!
20.Do you make up your own words?
- Not always. Ahaa ;p
21. Are you a jealous person?
- Obviously YES ! exspecially my parent+adik+orang tua itu..
22.Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'A'.
- adila !
23.Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'K'.
- kha...dont want to remember...
24. Who's the first person on your received call list?
-Senior azhar+Orang tua...
25.What does the last text message you received say?
- "Ita, g lu.Br nak pakai tudung ni.." ;p
'26. Do you chew on you straw?
- Nope
27.Do you have curly hair?
- No.
28. Where's the next place you're going to?
29.Who's the rudest person in your life?
- xde sape pon yg rude-rude ni...sume same jer...
30.What was the last thing you ate?
- kerepek pedas....
31.Will you get married in the future?
- yes! ;p
32. What's the best movie you've seen in the past 2 weeks?
- dah lama la xtgk movie...becoming soon ade la... ;p
33.Is there anyone you like right now?
- yes...from primary school sampai skrg...I still admire him...
34. When was the last time you did the dishes?
- after maghrib semalam...
35. Are you currently depressed?
- NO...!
36.Did you cry today?
- NO again
37. Tag 1,2,3,4 or 5 people who would do this survey.
19 February 2009
aku rindu r kat ko...
tetibe je ms tido td aku termimpi ko..
ni tandanya aku sangat2 rindu kt ko..
td aku call ko pon..ko xangkat..
ida bila kte nak bual2 lagi...?
bile kte nak jupe lagi??
klo ko baca blog aku ni...
msj2 la aku....
17 February 2009
Cerita semalam...
Arini kan ade test bioseparation so semalam of course la kena study kan..kan..kan... xtau la kene penyakit pe semalam..rase malas jer nak study..pastu rajin plak wat keje mrapu-mrapek (mest r surf internet) Study 1 chapter pon bley berjam-jam...
Bila dah tersedar baru study 1 chapter and ade 3 lagi chapter xstudy lg (dah r kena hafal pastu de kira2 plak tu..hampeh tul...) Otak yang xsegeliga mane ni pon berpk..pk..pk..macam mane la nak wat diri ni study...pastu dapat la idea...nak tau ape die...??mesti r korang nak tau kan..kan? (ita yang perasan..macam la de org nak baca..huhuhu) xpe la aku sambung balik citer....byk sangat plak iklan..hehehe...
Aku pon buka folder lagu yang ade kat dalam external aku ni...pastu tertarik la 1 lagu ni..tajuk die "Anak Soleh Aeman - tun ismail terkini" ingatkan lagu saje....pastu aku pon tengok la..bajet khusyuk r... ;p
tetibe je air mata ni mengalir...selaju-lajunya..tapi masa tu sume orang dalam bilik ni tengah khusyuk wat keje masing-masing...so xtau la aku tengah nangis...sedih sangat biler tengok video klip tu...kalo korang tengok mesti korang sedey..tu pon kalo jenis macam aku la..memang beri impak maksima kat aku... baru aku mula teringat muka mak abah aku..yang selalu mengingatkan anak die yang malas ni ngan study...
bile tepon jer mak mesti cakap, "biler test..?dah study blum? ..walopun xde pon kate2 nasihat tapi tu pon dah cukup mengingatkan aku..rase bersalah giler biler mak tanye,anak die ni blum study lg..mak maafkan ita ek.. pasni ita akan study tul2...kakak kan dah janji kat mak nak jadi cucu 1st pak hasan dapat ijazah..(bagi orang len mesti biase je..)..Kat abah pon sama..kakak janji xnak dah tengok orang kutuk anak abah ni xle berjaya...kakak akan buktikan anak abah n mak ni bley berjaya lebih dari orang len...adik2 kakak yang len yang baca ni ingat....nak tengok mak abah hepi..kte kena capai cita-cita....baru orang xkata kte...kte sama-sama usaha ye..
ermm..kat mane dah aku melalut ni..pas aku imbas2 balik...aku trus study..sampai la tersengguk2 punye baca..tapi alhamdulillah...bley gak la jawab pagi tadi..btul salah tu xtau la kan...aku rase itu la video klip tu yang bley wat aku sedar balik tuk study kalo tetibe jadi malas... ok la stakat ni je la karangan aku...nak study CRE II plak...arioss~
gud luck to my frenz.. 2 more test tp go!
15 February 2009
Kedinginan malam..
ni r akibat siang tido..pastu tadi dok keje ushar blog orang jer...
kan dah lambat siap wat lab report..tapi sangat-sangat berpuas ati bile dah siap..
tido lambat pon xpe la..janji keje aku siap..aku kesian nant orang yang berkenaan
atau lebih dikenali sbg 'Matle' nak wat abstract tertunggu2 plak result discussion aku..
demi xmengecewakan ko..aku siapkan gak... ni r hasil yg aku wat td >>>
14 February 2009
#Tag 2
Be honest no matter what!
[1] Who was your last text from?
[2] Where was your default pic taken?
+ tu gambo amik kat internet la..tu pon gambo kartun..mne la nak tau gambo tu katne..
[3]Your relationship status?
+ hmm..in a relationship with someone..
[4] Have you ever lost a close friend?
+ penah..bnyk kali dah..
[5] What is your current mood?
+ biase jer..
[6] What's your brother's name?
+ ariff + udin + amin@syafiq
[7 ] What's your favorite color(s)?
+ black + brown + pink + tp ikut mood gak..
[8] Where do you wish you were right now?
+ at my hometown... homesick~
[9] Have a crazy side?
+ xde kot...wat keje giler ade r...hehehe
[10] Ever had a near death experience?
+ kene pk dulu...ade ke x..~
[11] Something you do a lot?
+ study la..minggu ni kan test week....
[12] Angry at anyone?
+ hmm...angry wif org tua tu...
[13] What's stopping you from going to the person you like?
+ jauh 1 hal pastu orang kursus2 ni bley jupe...tunggu la tahun dpn ke..huhuhu..
[14]When was the last time you cried?
+ hmm..mase tgk movie ape ntah..tp xde la nangis btul pon..
[15] Is there anyone you would do anything for?
+ I'll do anything for myself n my family especially mak n abah...
[16] What do you think about when you are falling asleep?
+ soronok giler dpt tdo terutamanya pas lab or test..hilang sume kepenatanku...
[17] Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
+ of course la org tua tu...
[18] What are your favorite songs?
+ xde feveret-feveret..aku layan jer sume lagu
[19] What are you doing right now?
+ taip2 tag ni la..ape punye soklan la~
[20] Who do you trust right now?
+ myself + mak...
[21] Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
[22] Have you kissed someone in the past week?
+ my mum + adik beradik aku..abah segan skit..hehehe...
[23] What is your lucky number?
+ no lucky or bad number,,,
[24] Who are your friends that are closest to you?
+ ntah la sejak kes sek.rendah, xnak dh ade closet fren..biar kwn ramai2...
[25] Describe your life in one word.
+ xtau~ ;p
[26] Who are you thinking of right now?
+ mest r thinking my asgmnt yang sgt banyak + nak test...
[27] What should you be doing right now?
[28]If you could wish for something over a birthday cake right now what would it be?
+ aku nak sgt birthday cake yg k.na wat.. (sedap giler die wat) + ak nak dpt pointer above 3 pointer..
[29] What are you listening to?
+ bunyi kipas yg berpusing laju,,
[30] Who was the last person who gave you a hug?
+ mak~
[31] Who was the last person who yelled at you?
+ rasenye xde...~
[32] Do you act differently around the person you like?
+ xde different2....cuma ati jer sgt berbunga-bunga..hek3
[33] What is your natural hair color?
+ warna rambut yg slalu femes...lu pk sendiri..
[34] Who was the last person to make you laugh?
+ klasmate aku
[35] Who will be tagged by u?=>
+ nik
+ anum (pas ko baik demam campak ko jwb la tag ni ;D)
+ ifah @ cerry berry
10.15a.m - 11.45a.m
Molecular biology
10 February 2009
hmm....ari yang amat memanatkan badan...letihnye...
nape la arini gak ak nk skt perut...dh rse mcm xde tenaga dh...nak study pon mcm xde mood...dh la test nk dkt...subjek yg mengkillerkan ak.....(ape aku cakap ni??..) setiap kali tepon mak,mak mesti tanye dah pepse ke??(maksudnye dah test la tu..) aku pon ckp belum....n baru start diz week..tapi mak xtau anak die ni xstudy pon test dh nk dkt...huhuhu aku xtau la g mane la mood aku tu...aku xde perasaan langsung nak jawab test kali ni...kenape ye? aku memang susah ati ngan sikap aku ni..tapi tu r dh susah ati xreti nak wat sesuatu..huhuhu
ape-ape pon aku kena cari mood aku balik...test dah nak dekat ooi...!!
07 February 2009
#Tag 1

ni la akibatnye bile malas + busy + xde mood = xpayah tulih blog...
arini jer aku rase macam ade mood sikit nak tulih blog
ni pon sbb nak memenuhi permintaan dari tag nik selaku rumetku...
(satu) How old are you?
=21 taun 3 bulan (ari ak xlarat nk kire..hehehe)
(dua) Are you single?
=single?? not single but complicated..tapi selagi xkawen kire single la kan?kan?
(tiga) At what age do you think you'll get married?
=umo bape ek??rase-rasenye umo 24 kot..tu yang paling awal la..tu pon kalo ade jodoh..
(empat) Do you think you'll marrying the person you are with now?
=harap-harap macam tu la..tapi kte xtau ape akan jadi in future..tapi doa2 la yer dapat yg tu.. ;D
(lima) If not, who do you want to marry?
=calon mak abah...hehehe
(enam) Who will be your bridesmaid & best man?
=sesape aje..
(tujuh) Do you want a garden/beach or traditional wedding?
=confius..confius....nak pilih yang mane 1 ek?? hek3~
(lapan) Where do you plan to go on honeymoon?
(sembilan) How many guests do you think you'll invite?
=ah...lambat lagi nak pikir brape guest nak invite..1 kampong aku invite..hahaha
(sepuluh) Will that include your exes?
=mesti la x..sbb aku nak ajak 1kampong jer..kampong len xdi invite..so xtersenarai la..but aku nak die tau aku pon dah kawen..bkn die srg jer bley kawen..(dendam kesumat..hehehe~)
(sebelas) How many layers of cake do you want?
=bape layer tu aku xkisah..janji kek tu sedap..and aku pon hepi..~
(duabelas) When do you want to get married, morning or evening?
=kalo nik nak kawen malam..aku nak kawen pagi..sejuk jer n orang kate pagi kan permulaan rezeki.. mudah-mudahan murah rezeki aku... ;D
(tigabelas) Name the song/tune you'd like to plat at your wedding
=xtau la..tp orang selalu pasang lagu selamat pengantin baru jer la...
(empatbelas) Do you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon & fork?knife?
=ala xkisah pon macam mane pon..lagipon pengatin bkn makan banyak pon..tul x?shy-shy cat la katakan..hahaha
(limabelas) Champagne or red wine?
=uishh haram... tak ley!!..skyjuice sudah..
(enambelas) Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
=day after the wedding r..xpon week after the wedding..hmm..ape2 je la..
(tujuhbelas) Money or household items?
=doa doa kebahagian dari kamu semua rasanya lagi baek dari sume tue kan.. chewahh hahaha
(lapanbelas) How many kids would you like to have?
=out of my mind..nanti2 la aku pikir...
(sembilanbelas) Will you record your honeymoon in DVD/CD?
=record dalam ingatan sudah~